Tuesday, June 14, 2016

message man
schindlers list
el sombrero
the book theif
favorite shoes: nike
favorite band: Twenty one pilots/ queen

Monday, June 13, 2016

High School YWIC alumni camp, 1

Stefanie Mayfield; YWIC alumni camp
What have you done this summer?
Honestly, I haven't done much with my summer. I've been waiting for this camp and band camp, however band camp was cancelled was all I've had to look forward to is this camp. I am excited to have a lot of fun this year at the camp, and I am looking forward to knowing more about computers. All I've done at home is watch YouTube videos and text people. This camp is the funnest thing I have planned for the summer so I am going to be sad when it's over. I hope I can find more movies to watch after this camp is over because I wont have much else to do.